
On this page you will find stories as told by family members, former employees, friends, and others. We would like to make you part of this page! We are always looking for pictures and stories. If you visited the “House” by sneaking in some dark night and would like to share that, let us know. We are always looking for information and pictures. As you may imagine we have lost contact with a lot of people who are important to us and the history of the “House”. We intend to continually add stories and make changes to the site so check back often.
Thank you.
The Louellen Test Hesse Family

My Story by Garry Ledbetter (Includes Some Employee Pictures)

My Story by Patricia (Brinkman) Hicks

Jill Rippy (Teacher and Creater of Harrison Hill Project)

My Story by Barbara Williams

My Story by John Powell

My Story by Tom Brinkman

Ryan Hamlett Article for Historic Indianapolis Oct. 2013

Lee Folgers Story